CREX Led Soğutma ve Aydınlatma Sistemleri | About Us
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About Us

About Us – Our Company

Crex Led Cooling Systems Led Lighting is a company established in 2006, which has been manufacturing molds for customized molds with the experience of moldmaking for 42 years.

We continue to serve our valued customers without compromising our discipline with the pride of being able to produce a wide product concept as Led Cooling Body in a short period of time due to our experience, knowledge and experience in molding industry and we can respond to the customers’ requests completely.

Modelling 3D0%


High Technolgy0%

Proffesional Support0%

Design and Modeling

Our design and modeling are done with our three dimensional programs in computer environment.

Machinery Park

State of the art machinery CNC, Metal Injection, H Type Press, Lathe Milling Machines and so on. other machines.

High Quality

Our commitment to quality and Quality Control has brought us to the importance of Turkey’s largest Led Cooler status.


Innovative Designs


On-time Delivery


Hundreds of Product Types